Wednesday, January 12, 2011

What a wonderful Wednesday

So most people make New Year's Resolutions. I am a few days behind. I am going to chalk it up to learning to be a stay at home mom with 2 kids. So everything runs behind.

My New Year's resolution is rather unoriginal - lose weight. How unoriginal actually.

After Nicholas was born it took me 2 years to take off 100 lbs from pregnancy and bed rest. I am praying it doesn't take me that long to do it this time (although it won't be helped by eating pizza for breakfast - since I am unsure if I get lunch I eat a big breakfast - yogurt, pizza, a banana and milk today).

So my resolution is to buy my summer clothes at Eddie Bauer and Down East Basics. Why these places? Because their stores don't carry plus sizes. I have been a plus size since I moved to Sacramento and went to law school. Before that I was large, but not that large. So I want to buy my summer clothes at a store that doesn't carry plus sizes. As an added bonus, if I can lose that much weight, my husband will have no choice but to let me go on a spending spree.

So here are my rewards - the first 10 lbs I get new shoes. Every 10 lbs after that I get new shoes. Why shoes? First, they are not food. If I give myself food rewards I will be perpetuating the problem. Second, I love shoes. Third, I love shoes. Fourth, shoes don't change (for me) with losing weight, so I can keep them. Fifth, shoes can really make outfits fabulous. I already have my sights set on my first pair - a leopard print, pointy toed, heel from Nine West. I'm happy.

I would use purses as a reward, but with a baby and a toddler I am going to be using diaper bags as purses for the foreseeable future. So purses would be fun to have, but rather useless for the next 2 years. Oh well.

So we will see how my journey goes. I took a before picture but there is no way I am showing it unless I also have an "after" picture to post. Otherwise, it is just a bad picture that makes me look HUGE.

Day one was yesterday. I ate okay and did the Day 1 of 3o Day Shred, so we shall see if I can keep that up. Not today - I am sore. So today we will walk. Which will be good for all of my family. Keep watching for more reports.

1 comment:

AmyAnn said...

I love the incentive system! I think I need to do that too ...just after April!