Thursday, January 13, 2011

Blogging block - aka Abby

So, sometimes I have to write a bunch of blogs about our activities and schedule their release. It's because I get blogger's block - also known as Abby. She does this catnap thing and wants to be held and then does baby things, and times it with her brother, so I rarely get time to blog. But I do this morning.

In case you are about to have kids, have kids, or are thinking about having kids you should know this - it is okay to not like your kids. You will always love them. But sometimes exasperation, annoyance, grumpiness, crabbiness, and all the other emotions add up to simply not liking them for a period of time. I'm have that time this morning.

It seems that they sense there are two of them and one of me. And things start going. At the same time Abby needs to eat Nicholas just has to have "coincidently" knocked over his milk/juice/non-water drink. He then says "Its an accident" and it really might have been, but I am suspicious none the less. Then Abby decides to start screaming for no reason right when I have to change Nicholas. It just gets going all day long.

And have you ever tried to take a toddler and make him sit for a whole day? He's got a soft tissue injury on his foot, and so he needs to sit and rest it or it will never get better (this sounds like familiar advice). But he won't sit. So I have to resort to Mickey Mouse Club House, Cat in the Hat, Handy Manny, and Super Why. That obnoxious high-pitched voice that sings and makes kids' songs is really annoying. Super annoying.

It's also okay to let kids cry and take a time out. My person timeout spot when I have the kids is the pantry. I just go in there for a few minutes. Beforehand I make sure everyone is in a safe spot, and then I go inside for a few minutes. Just a few minutes and I can come out all nice and relaxed. Or I throw them in the car and we go driving. Then they both end up going to sleep and I can drive through some nice scenery in the mountains.

Well, today is just one of those days. I just thought everyone should know. Tomorrow I will start posting with pictures again, since those posts are just so much cuter.

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