Tuesday, January 4, 2011

In her own room

Tonight is Abby's first night in her own room. Previously, she had been in her bassinet in our room. Her every - adorable - noise woke me up. This included the unadorable noises - like crying. But the adorable noises were keeping me up. And I would then get up and just stare at her.

She's now into her own room, in the crib. It turns out she is growing like a weed and so she's too long for the bassinet now. At least her father thinks so (I think she could've stayed in it for a few more weeks). New room, new bed, new sounds.

Now that Jon has set the baby monitor up, I need to find the power strip to set up the night light, the lamp, and the stars on the ceiling thing that plays music. It is my nod to the fact that she likes music but I am too lazy to go get another stereo for her room (Nicholas has one in his and it plays classical at bedtime, and fun songs all day long).

So we are excited. Our room is our own again!

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