Tuesday, November 4, 2008

He Goes Backwards!

You know, people have always told me that babies go backwards before they go forwards. I didn't believe it. Why would someone go backwards when what they want is in front of them? But sure enough it is true.

Nicholas has started moving quite well - backwards. He sometimes goes forwards, but there has to be something really good there - like a cookie or something. And there has to be no one around to get it for him. Otherwise, he likes to move backwards. He does launch himself forwards from a sitting position to see if he can reach something, but then he goes backwards.

He can spin on his stomach too. 360 degrees. So he sees something he wants out of his reach and spins around so his butt is pointing towards the item. Then he scoots backwards. As soon as he feels his feet touching something, he turns back around 180 degrees and plays with it. My son has it all figured out.

He still prefers to be stood up and walk. He loves it when I hold his hands and let him walk around the room. He gets so excited he starts bouncing up and down on his legs, and then looses his balance. It is so cute! He also would prefer to be held by dad. He won't show his dad any of his tricks, he wants dad to hold him. And dad does hold him!

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