Thursday, November 6, 2008

The past 2 weeks

So in the past two weeks, Nicholas has done a lot.

We had our first Halloween with him. We found out that he doesn't like the dark ith a lot of lights, or the rain. Or a lot of noise. So that pretty much made use leave our halloween party early. But that was okay. We got home and he went to sleep. What a good camper!

This is Nicholas and his father. If there was any doubt that Nicholas adored his father, just look at Nicholas looking at Jon. That's some adoration.

This is me and Nicholas on Halloween. We are in light-up t-shirts and he has nifty socks that light-up...I didn't. We decided on no costume for Nicholas. I didn't want the poor kid to be struggling through a costume - he hates clothes! I cannot imagine him and a costume!

I also took him in to work today (after I was done) to show him off. He hasn't been around there since September, and he has changed so much. Plus, I like to show him off. He's such a good kid, and so cute. I never tire of hearing people say how cute he is or how happy and nice he is. It is amazing that Jon and I produced him. Not that we aren't cute, but we are no where near as cute as Nicholas. As normal - everyone at work loved him and played with him. He was pretty good there. And his favorite part (other than getting to see dada for extra time) was riding the Light Rail in and out. He loved the train. He couldn't move his head and arms fast enough to see and touch everything. he also liked the backhoe that was working at the Light Rail station. I didn't know what it was called. I was calling it an electric shovel, when one of the construction guys told me it was a backhoe. Then Nicholas watched it. And would clap and giggle everytime the backhoe moved. So they started moving it just for him. Those were nice construction workers. This was Nicholas' first time on light rail when he was awake. We have taken it twice before, and he slept both ways, both times. He was also small enough to be in a car seat on his stroller then. Now he had to plya with mama and all the fun people on the train. Here's the thing - have you ever tried lugging a HUGE baby, folded stroller and diaper bag on and off Light Rail? They make you fold the stroller (which is stupid since they have a flat connector you can use isntead of the stairs). It is an incredible pain in the butt. It was worse when we got back to the station because the train was full, people had to move, I was clumsy (suprise), and Nicholas was asleep - so he was a lump in my arms that I had to protect since he wasn't able to cling to me. It was a pain. Light rail should revise that rule. They let bikes, carts, wheel chairs and huge luggage on there without folding them. Why not strollers? Anyways, pictures are below!

This is Nicholas in his stroller at the Watt/Manlove station. Obviously before we had to fold the stroller. But I think he was smiling at the backhoe behind me. Maybe he will be an architect or construction guy in his future!

This is Nicholas and Jon at work. Nicholas did very well and didn't mess-up his dad's shirt. Isn't he a cutie! (I mean Nicholas, although I think Jon's cute too)

This is Nicholas at my desk - pardon the mess. He is all ready to go and type. I had to learn how to type. He's 7.5 months old and can already manage - that's not fair. Here's to our future Budget Analyst.

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