Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Finally - some mama's

Nicholas started speaking about 3 weeks ago. He spent 3 days saying "mama." Jon spent those three days trying to get him to say "dada."

Then he spent the next 3 weeks saying "dada." I guess Jon's persistance paid off. I mean, I got a mama here and there. But he really likes saying "dada." Especially when Jon is around - because then he gets all kinds of attention from Jon. So he loves his dada. I get it. But would it suck so much to have said a mama in there sometime?

But he said it yesterday - very, very clearly. He said it, and I swept him up in the biggest hug and cuddling thing you can imagine. I love hearing it. It makes cleaning up after him and his cold worth while (I would do it anyways, I mean he's my baby...but still....). He said mama a few times yesterday.

I cannot describe how wonderful it is to hear him say mama. Although if you ahve experienced your child saying it to you for the first few times you know what I mean. It is gratifying because you know that your child is speaking, or starting too. And you know he can hear and speak. So some of your language barrier concerns are now gone. But then it is so loving too. He just says mama, and my heart melts. It is like he is recognizing all the stuff I do for him and he loves me. It is just a perfect feeling of bliss. It brings me back to the time that I first held him (and knew it was him). It was perfect.

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