Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Changing a Tire

Here's the thing. You can imagine the worst situations that you would have to change a flat tire in. Mine, and it actually happened, was a Christmas morning on the freeway in the pouring rain while I was in my Christmas clothing. And then something happens to change your mind.

This morning, I got Nicholas into his carseat, and got the car moving to take him to daycare. And then....I heard the thump, thump that meant I had a flat tire. I figured it would be easy to change it. Boy was I wrong.

I have said a million times that doing anything with a baby takes 15 more minutes (at least) and triples the difficulty because you have to keep the baby happy while you are doing whatever it is you are doing. Imagine changing a tire with a baby.

Maybe it wouldn't have been so bad if it hadn't been the tire that was under his carseat.

It got to the point I just drove home and called Jon (my husband) to come and change it. We both ended up being late for work - but my tire got changed :) It was much easier with two people. Simply put - I had the baby and Jon had the tire. A split of responsibility.

So I am just saying - if you ever get a flat with a baby in the prepared for a monsterous task.

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