Monday, September 29, 2014

Jon and Nicholas in Utah.

While Abby and I were off on adventures in Ohio, Jon and Nicholas went to Utah. There was a BYU game Thursday night when they got there. Shocker that the trip was timed so Jon could go to a BYU game. 

The next day cousins were in school. So Nicholas and Jon went to the Natural History museum at Thanksgiving Point. It should also be known as the dinosaur museum. Nicholas had a lot of fun. How Jon managed to get out of there without visiting the gift shop is beyond me. 

Friday night was spent eating pizza with his uncle, grandpa, and boy cousins. One of his girl cousins had girls over for her birthday. So the guys all went out to eat. 

The rest of the weekend was spent hanging with cousins. And taking Micah to the air museum. Nicholas loves that museum. And he likes Micah. So the two things were a good combination. 

When we all met up in Denver Nicholas was less than excited to see me and Abby. He didn't want to sit near us on te plane. It was kind of funny. 

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