Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Raspberry Days Festival

While we were at Bear Lake the cousins decided to go through some caves. It was going to be an hour and a half walk underground. With 440+ stairs down and up. I knew right away that Abby wasn't going to enjoy that event, so I took Abby and we went out on our own for the day.

We went to the KOA campground and played in their playground, on their air pillow, and in their sandbox. Then we went to the Raspberry Days festival - and had a blast!!!

There were pony rides, craft booths, and a petting zoo - Abby loved the animals in the petting zoo. We got a new dress, some new jewelry, and even some small gemstones for Nicholas' rock collection. There was a jerky booth, so we got Jon some flavored jerky - which he hasn't eaten yet.

And then we went out to lunch. Just the two of us in a day of madness. And then we took a nap. Abby badly needed a nap at this point, since she was getting 7 or less hours of sleep a night. Sometimes she got 8. But she was sleep deprived and behavior was really suffering. So the nap was good too.

She also loves posing for the camera. After all, she's my little girl who loves cameras and fashion shows.

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