Sunday, November 14, 2010

Things you forget about babies

Abby is the second baby in the Wunderlich household. We made it through Nicholas, and so we assumed certain things about Abby based on our experience. We also decided that we knew what we were getting into this time. But there are things you forget.

1) How much laundry is there? We forgot how much laundry there is for a newborn. Between spitting up and all the other bodily functions that get all over clothes and blankets and hats and socks, laundry piles up.

2)What does sleep feel like? Nicholas was such a good sleeper and knew the difference between day and night from the beginning. Even though he would wake up frequently to eat at night (for the first few weeks) he would go right back to sleep. Abby has a witching hour about midnight - she desperately needs to eat but won't go back to sleep. She wants to he held and talked to and cuddled. Then, about 2:30 am, she will go back to sleep. Which means she's up again at 3-ish to eat.

3) Where do I get to go? I had forgotten that I don't get to go anywhere. Between feedings and pumpings I am tied to Abby about every 2 hours for 30+ minutes for feedings. Not to mention the cuddling and then the holding while Jon deals with Nicholas. So really, I get to do nothing. Nothing at all but bond with my cute little girl. And while I enjoy that, it is sometimes nice to get to do things like type a blog (which I am squeezing in) or have a few moments to myself.

We have just forgotten some things. But having Abby reminded us of them. The most important thing of all we haven't forgotten:

All children are loved in this household and there is always room for more love.

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