Monday, December 6, 2010

We survived!

Today was Jon's first day back at work. I was concerned about how today was going to go; I cannot go up and down the stairs once I get down and Abby is suffering from a serious case of gassiness (she is always fussing if she's not upright). So I was concerned. I was worried I wouldn't be able to get her to stop crying, that I would need something from upstairs, that I wouldn't get to eat.....the worries go on.

But we survived!

Yes, it meant that for breakfast I ate jam on bread (what Nicholas calls a jam sandwich) at 9am and didn't eat again until 2:45pm. It means that the house is a mess - not dirty, just messy - because I have various projects in various states of being done. It means I got nothing done - other than making dinner, keeping myself and Abby fed and clean, and some Christmas decorations. I wanted to get some sewing done, but I couldn't get it done because Abby wasn't cooperating.

Yes, I had to walk for 3 hours with Abby between feedings. She ate 6 times today between 7:30 and 3:30. That is a lot of food. She needed lots of gas drops and burping, but I did it.

So what did we do all day? I find it amazing that people ask me that question. It is obvious that they have never had a newborn when they ask. Because that is all I got done. I mean, she needs food and diaper changes - which takes 35-45 minutes every 2-3 hours (more if she has a huge poop). She needs cuddling and talking to and singing. She needs holding. I need to take care of myself- eating and bathroom and drinking water. So what is left? About 30 minutes when you desperately hope that she will sleep so you can get a nap.

Since she's not sleeping, and she is in her swing for the 10 minutes she will sit there, I decided to write this post. Especially since the sound of a keyboard seems to soothe her better than FoxNews. Who can understand that?

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