Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Our Christmas photo

Here is the photo that we took for Christmas. You will notice that neither parent is in it - mainly because we are too scrappy looking to be in a photo with our cute kids.

This was the one picture out of 10 that had Nicholas giving his "cheese" smile and had Abby's face - when she wasn't bawling. For some reason she didn't like being held by Nicholas this night. Normally, when we let him hold her, she stares at him and babbles something at him. He just kind of looks at her for a few minutes, says "Hi Abby" and then says "I don't want to hold her anymore." But he was really good for the pictures.

Why are they in Christmas pajamas? Well, I haven't finished the Christmas clothes yet. Nicholas' Christmas tie is cut out, but not sewn, and Abby's Christmas dress needs the other half of the zipper put in and the hem done. I have to put in the zipper by hand because I have forgotten how to do it on my sewing machine. So they are in Christmas pajamas - and they are super cute. But I am not biased or anything.

In other news, we have Christmas decorations up. So that is a big plus. I managed to get the house decorated in what I affectionately call "Christmas lite." Normally I am a huge Christmas decorator. I pull everything out the day after Thanksgiving and by that night there is no doubt that Christmas is coming to the Wunderlich household. I even did it when I lived by myself. This is a wonderful time of year and the only time you can be totally gaudy and it is acceptable and I love it.

But this year is "Christmas lite" because of the c-section, the new baby, the lack of sleep, the ever "helpful" 2 year old.....and I am simply out of energy. But we have some Christmas, a tree, and some outside lights. So I am somewhat satisfied. I am more satisfied when it is night time and I am exhausted because of the two kids and husband than I am in the morning when I am still fresh and have a lot of energy (comparatively).

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