Tuesday, May 4, 2010

We are expecting a 4th member of our family!

Just so everyone knows, we are expecting the 4th member of our family in November. November 18th to be precise. However, I am expecting the baby to come a month before - at week 36 - because I get horrible blood pressure during pregnancy.

I am feeling fine, now that I have accessed the great medical drugs that prevent my all-day sickness. Jon is excited and happy, although he is nervous too. We told Nicholas, so he randomly picks up my shirt, looks at my tummy, and says "no baby there mommy." So it is clear he doesn't really understand, so we are working on that.

We are very excited about this 4th member of our family, and we hope to share the joy with all our friends. I will refrain from putting up any ultrasound pictures, since those are interesting to me and Jon only - so they are on our refrigerator. No one else needs to see those.

Best wishes to everyone and my friends who are pregnant too! At least this time I won't be the only one I know who is pregnant.

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