Thursday, October 8, 2009

Waiting at the airport

So today is day 1 of our San Diego trip.

Last night was rough. Nicholas woke up at 9:30 and decided he didn't want to sleep on his own. So he and I cuddled on the greatest rocker ever invented. We watched Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Cars. Then, about 2 am, he decided he was tired and just crashed. So I put him to bed. I then went to sleep. While we were cuddling I couldn't get to sleep. Every time I started to fall asleep, Nicholas would hit me and say "mama up." He didn't want me to fall asleep and leave him awake. Stinker. Then I work up at 4:30 and couldn't get back to sleep. Today is bidding to be a Looooooong day.

But we got bagels at Noah's Bagels on the way to the airport. Did you know that they have challa rolls? They are really good. I got one, and wanted to eat it, but Nicholas ate most of it. THe ride was great, except that Nicholas stayed awake - I wanted him to sleep.

At the airport, mom dropped me off with all the luggage. She and Nicholas went to go park the car. The very helpful skycap checked our bags, got me Nicholas' security document and gave me the boarding passes (A20 and A21 on Southwest if you are interested). I hung around with the stroller and all the carry-ons, waiting for mom.

They got back and we went through security. Thank goodness for the family line. No one minded that it took forever to get Nicholas to give up his shoes and Dog. But he walked through on his own. I, however, kept beeping. So I had to get wanded. The stroller had to get wanded and inspected. All the liquids had to be opened and inspected (we brough milk and a full sippy cup). Then the process of getting everything back together began.

Now we are waiting for our flight, just hanging out here at the airport. Nicholas is leading my mom on a walk around Terminal 2 at Oakland, looking out all the windows and yelling "fly." He also is trying to kiss the planes through the windows. It is pretty darn cute. So now we wait for the flight.

Did I mention - my absolutely awesomest sister ever got me an iPod Touch!!!

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