Monday, January 5, 2009

Playing Tag With Nicholas

Nicholas has learned to play tag!

It is very fun. Except he doesn't know the difference between "tag" and "hit." So sometimes you get hit HARD (you would be amazed at his strength - he has broken 2 necklaces so far, now I don't wear them when he's around). And sometimes you just get tapped.

The way it works is that he crawls over to you, and sits next to you (facing you) and gives you this little sly smile. Then he "tags" you with both hands and says "grebsjhkly" (or something like that really loud). Then he sits there until you tag him back and say "Nicholas is it, tag." Then the cycle repeats.

Amazingly enough, this keeps his attention for about 10 minutes - which is the longest something can keep his attention if it is not edible.

So we are playing lots of Nicholas tag at our house. He laughs and giggles, which is the most rewarding sound out of my baby ever (except his coo as he cuddles into you for a nap - that's pretty much unbeatable).

He's getting ready to walk any day now. He's standing on his own - but only if you pretend not to pay attention to him. He can cruise around the house using furniture, chairs, walls, blinds, cabinet doors and bags as his hand rail. So hopefully we will have a little walker soon. He's getting too heavy to carry!

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