Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Hives, Hives and More Hives.

I don't know about you guys, but I think all doctors should be required to break out in serious hives that cannot be cured so that they know what their patients are feeling when they come in and say they ITCH!

In case you haven't heard, I have been the user of my health insurance lately. I got hives. A really bad case. All over. I had to leave work and go to the emergency room because they were breaking out on my eyelids (?!) and in my mouth (which is just scary, not weird). Then I had an ER doctor not even look at them, basically dismiss me as a hysterical young woman, and give me Benedryl (which does nothing) and steroids (which helped). I ended up calling my own doctor from the ER (I called Kaiser from Kaiser) and she gave me better drugs to make the itching go away. When I saw her the next day, she gave me even better ones. Thank goodness for doctors who understand what it is like to have hives under the skin on the soles of your feet - you cannot even scratch them! I love my doctor.

And I love my husband. He has been great through all of this. He has totally sacrificed all his spare time (and more) and kept track of Nicholas the Destroyer.

Speaking of The Destoryer (as he will now be known), someone has learned (today) to open the drawer under the oven and pull out all of the cooking pans - one by one. Then he has to play with each one. He chases them around the kitchen giggling madly. And if you even try to close the drawer (even though there is nothing in it) he stops what he is doing and goes back and opens the drawer. It is really funny. It is also very loud.

I beg you, if you are going to invite us over, put anything that you want to keep in one piece above table level. He's very tall, and has learned how to use his reach. And he knows he can grab things - like blocks - to extend his reach.

Speaking of blocks, my poor and overworked husband got clocked by our son. The Destroyer had a block in his hand and totally clocked Jon on the lip. I was laughing - out of sympathy. I have had it happen any number of times for me. Thank goodness for shatterproof glasses. And hard teeth.

Anyways, we are all now fine. The Destroyer is going to bed now (hopefully) and The Husband is putting him to bed.

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