Thursday, December 26, 2013

Amazon subscribe and save/Amazon Mom.

I just discovered- and I know I'm late to the party - Amazon's Subscribe and Save feature. It's like Costco - but it delivers on a schedule to your house. For people like me - who hate to go to Costco with their kids but have no other option - this can save a bunch of time. I no longer have to deal with the toilet paper taking up so much of the cart that there's no room for everything else.

I also don't have to deal with going to Costco for it.

Best of all - I get 20% off my purchases.

How? It's easy.

First, sign up for the Amazon Subscribe and Save feature. Click here for a link.

Then sign up for Amazon Mom.

Then schedule your items so at least 5 arrive in each batch. If less than 5 arrive, you get 5% off. If 5 or more arrive, you get 20% off.

I've scheduled our toilet paper, clorox wipes, epsom salts, GF non-perishables (flour substitute, pasta), potatoes, soap, bottled water, kid's juice boxes. paper towels, laundry soap, baking soda (because we use it all the time - for lots of different things), vinegar (because it's used all the time too), lemons (my tree doesn't produce enough for me), shampoo, deodorant, toothpaste, and all kinds of fun stuff through here.

I no longer have to worry about these things - or forgetting them when I head to the store. They will simply show up on their scheduled times and at my house. I don't have to do anything else.

I'm loving this. It's great.

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