Thursday, October 31, 2013

The kids break trees....well boards.

We had an amazing thing happen kids broke their first boards. I was a teenager when I broke my first board. It was really cool. I still have the board too. Along with the board(s) that I have broken at important events - like testing. Board breaking is awesome. It is such a stress reliever and it shows that you really can use the kicks and techniques you have learned.
Nicholas breaks with his knee.

Nicholas wanted to go first in his class. He took a try or two to break, but he did it and he was super excited. He thought he would sleep with the boards. He ended up letting me just label them and put the in his box to save.
Abby breaks with her knee.

Abby was adorable. She's the youngest in her class - not the smallest though. She took a few tries too. I think she didn't really understand what she was doing. But she refused to be parted from her board at home. She danced around with the board saying, "I broke something, I broke a tree." It was really cute. A huge thank you to their teacher - Rachael - for helping them develop and grow and love karate. I think this is great for them and they love it.

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