Here's our current update: We are doing well. New updates will come later this week with some pictures - especially pictures from our San Diego trip.Today was a very great day.
I went to pick up Nicholas from Ana's and he was totally in love with seeing me, and then he ran away to play with the toys. When it was time to leave, he gave everyone kisses and then tried to run and hide from me. He thinks that if he hides behind the curtain I cannot see him. So he hides there, then peeks out, then hides again. It took 10 minutes to get him to leave the house and come to the car. Stinker :)
Then we went to the park by his grandfather's (Jon's dad's) house. We played. He went down the slide on his own for the very first time today. So that was amazing to see.
We made a big trip recently- picking out a potty for him. Some people say he's too young, but he tells me when he poops/pees and he likes to sit on our toilet, so if nothing else, he can get used to a little potty for himself. They have these "demo" ones that are out of their boxes and up on the shelf, so I pulled them all down and let Nicholas sit on them and pick one. It was important to me that he feel like he picked it. So he sat in all of them, then re-sat in a few. Then he sat down on the FisherPrice "Laugh and Learn" potty and said "Mine, mine mine mine." We had a minor breakdown explaining that we had to get one in the box, and not the one he was sitting on. Then he chose some big boy underwear - Elmo ones (no one should be surprised about this considering his love affair with Elmo, the only thing more predictable would have been dogs).
It was a great trip, and we had a lot of fun.Gymnastics was great too. Today was the first day that he participated in the warm-up, did the circuit activities like they are meant to be done (normally he just runs around and does whatever ones he likes, in whatever order he wants - just like all the other boys). And he even ran on the tumbling track a ton, and waited patiently (sitting!) for his turn on the trampoline. The teacher was a little stunned, and wondered what happened to the Nicholas that normally comes and doesn't listen to directions real well.
Tonight I realized he was growing up so fast. When he rests his head on my shoulder and I am holding him, his legs reach my knees!!! My 19 month old son is such a big boy. He's not a baby any longer. Sadness.So that's our current life. More updates (with good pictures) will be coming.