Monday, August 31, 2009

Everything is a climbing tool

Everything is meant to climb on. Nicholas believes that statement to be true. The funny thing is, it has really picked up since we have started gymnastics. All of a sudden, everything has to be climbed on, over and through. This includes parents. One of his favorite games to play is to run behind you and "push" you over so you are lying on your tummy. Then he climbs onto your back and walks around until he falls, and then he laughs. I continue to let him play this game because of the laughter aspect. I really love hearing him laugh.

Anyways, he has a fire truck. He loves to climb onto the fire truck now. Not sit on it, or ride around on it (like it was made for) but climb onto it. Same with his horse. He climbs onto it, and then bounces up and down to make it play the music. He sometimes falls, but he never really cries when he falls from these things. He just gets up and goes back to whatever he was doing. He is so adorable! And look at him smile.

If you think he doesn't know what a camera is for, you are joking. I took the picture of him on the fire truck by asking him to go get his truck. He got it, and stood on it, when he tried to get down, I said "stay there and smile for the camera." He paused, got back on, looked at me, and gave me a huge smile until I put the camera away. He's a camera hog!

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