I got him a pair of BYU slippers during our first Christmas as a married couple, and he still wears them around a ton, and loves them.
I think it is a sad day when I realize that "fan" traits are inheritable. On Sundays, once his dad is gone to meetings, Nicholas likes to tromp around in his dad's slippers (above). Not being one to over do things, Nicholas takes off the slippers before wrapping himself in the BYU blanket and making a "mommy give me cake" face. I call it his pitiful face. He tries to get what he wants by making the face. It doesn't always work with me, but it always works with Jon. Especially when Nicholas does it while wrapped in a BYU blanket, or with BYU slippers.
In another inheritable trait, Nicholas has started to wear Jon's stinky BYU flip flops around - well try to wear them around. He brings them to me, then sits down. I put them on his feet, help him stand up, and then he walks around. He gets very frustrated when they fall off.
Stinker. Cute stinker. But still a stinker.
Hey Natasha-
Our ninja squad customer service team stumbled across your article the other day, and we think it’s pretty adorable that your son is already a true-blue Cougar fan.
We’d like to sling a pair of new BYU flip flops your way, sans duct tape. Please send us an e-mail with your husband's shoe size to byubookstoreservice@byu.edu and our ninja team will get them out to you with downright dazzling efficiency.
Best regards,
Your Friends at the BYU Bookstore
You guys are so awesome! That's fabulous!
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