Thursday, April 23, 2009

Our visit to Jon's work

For those of you who don't remember, I don't work at Finance anymore, so it is now Jon's work. We visited there abotu a month ago. Everyone really liked seeing him. He got into a lot of trouble in Jay's office - he tried to play with the blinds and bent them :) But he was so cute, and gave hugs to everyone and wanted to be carried by everyone. He also wanted to eat one of my old co-worker's food, and she gave it to him! He simply reached for it, and she gave it to him. I think she was surprised that he ate it, but hey, what else would he do with it.

See, even Nicholas sometimes get tired of being at work. Not often, but his yawning here meant that he would go to sleep in the car on the ride home and take his frist nap of the day.

Jon's co-workers are nice enough to let Nicholas into their offices. I don't know why, since he takes everything off their desks and plays with everything, but they are great with him. This particular co-worker had a ton of great stuff on her desk. Including a highlighter - which Nicholas found fascinating. He also likes pens and pencils. We try to not let him have them, since they get eaten or stabbed into parents.

It turns out that while at work Jon is expected to work - even if Nicholas is there. So Jon had to answer a phone call and Nicholas got to sit on his lap and point out the window to try Jon to name everything. Just one problem, dad was on the phone! And Nicholas was not going to leave his father to come with me. No matter what.

Steve works at Finance too, and so Nicholas got to hang out with Steve for a while. Steve let him wear the CDF cap - pretty cool.

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