Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Mickey Mouse Clubhouse

Nicholas has a new favorite TV show - Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.

It's an animated thing with Mickey, Minnie, Donald etc. It's on Disney Channel in the mornings and afternoon, and is OnDemand with Comcast at any time (although they only have 4). We watch it every afternoon. It's his downtime when he doesn't want to take a nap, but needs to rest from being all rambuncious.

Anyways, this animation is the new kind, and is all bold and bright colors. He hear's the music for it and toddles/fake runs/walks to the TV and then starts dancing. He simply dances right in front of the TV. It is cute.

And then he crawls into your lap and will watch it with you for the 20 minutes. But only if you talk to him during it, bounce him during the music and explain everything that is going on. However, it is still better than chasing him around outside when it is hot. So I will take it.

He really loves the show. I am tired of the standard songs that they have every episode - including the introduction. I know them as well as I know every other song. But he likes it. Great.

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