Friday, March 13, 2009

The First Birthday!

Ah - Nicholas' First Birthday has come and gone. It was yesterday - although the celebrations will continue.

Jon and I took the day off work and we went to the Zoo, Fairytale town, the park and the store. We had a blast - although Nicholas was very tired. He only liked the animlas that were moving. The leopards and otters were moving and were a favorite. The lions and tigers were lazy, and he didn't have as much excitement for them. At Fairytale town he liked crawling through the cheese (from the Farmer and the Dell rhyme) and sliding down the slide - on his stomach. At first he didn't like that. But then he went for a second time and couldn't get down fast enough. We did the swings at the park - which he loved.

Jon and I are proud that we have made it past the 1 year mark. I think this is a celebration for us as much as it is for him. We both agree that we cannot remember what it was like to live with just the two of us, not have to worry about carrying a diaper bag and food everywhere, and making sure the carseat was in the right car.

And buying diapers. Clothes. Toys. Blankets. Finding the right size shoes. etc.

These are all things we didn't have a year ago, but we have now.

And we wouldn't trade it for the world.

Pictures to come.

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