Friday, July 1, 2011

Things you forget...

There are things you think you will never forget about kids. yet by the time the second one comes around, you have forgotten them.

For instance - I have forgotten how messy they get when they are first learning to eat. And how they get into EVERYTHING when they start crawling - simply because they can.

Abby is quite the proficient crawler right now; at least when she wants to be. Sometimes she decides it is not worth the trouble and cries until you come get her, but when she wants to, she can move. I left them in my sight while I went to the bathroom, and when I got out, I knew she had crawled away. To the diaper bag she went, in search of food. She found the Cheerios, emptied the container out onto the floor, and was happily munching away. This is about 10 minutes after she ate strawberries, a chicken nugget, yogurt, and some baby food. Nice to know both my children can be motivated by food.

Nicholas doesn't like that she can crawl and reach his toys. He likes to have "races" with her while they crawl outside. But not when she's trying to get his toys. He's getting a quick lesson in the reasons he needs to pick up his toys instead of leaving them on the floor. That quick lesson is called Abby. if he has it, she wants it. My girl likes cars and trucks - since that's what her brother has. I tried to get her a doll, and she has no interest. She does like the stuffed cow. She tosses it around and rolls all around the floor with it. She always ends up on top of it, holding the horns, eating the cow. So I figure she's going to be a rodeo super star and a carnivore. Not a bad combo.

Jon and I are doing well. The gym has been a great savior for me - it gives me "alone" time every day I go. Not time by myself to do what I want, but time alone - without the kids - to just focus on working out. It's a great mental stress reliever. And physical stress reliever too.

Hope everyone is doing well and Happy 4th of July (almost)!

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