Friday, February 13, 2009

The Going's -On of the Wunderlichs.

It has been a while since we last updated everyone on what is going on. So here's what is going on:

We are piano sitting for a family. So we now have a piano that I get to practice everyday on. Jon and Steve moved it into the house last night. I think they did their weights for the week lifting it. Nicholas spent this morning examining it and pressing the pedals. He's fascinated with pianos. If you sit him on your lap, he will actually play - nothing recognizable - but he will play.

I am loving being choir director at church. We get to do such fun stuff and I get to choose it all! I love it.

I am going to take a leave of absence from work starting March 1. I am going to be working as a writer from home. I have to make revisions to a book, edit some other things, and write for various employers who pay me to do it. I am looking forward to being able to spend the time writing in jeans. No more suits! It will be great.

Jon is doing well. He plays basketball on Thursdays. Which is great for him. Unless Nicholas hasn't gone to bed yet. Then it isn't so great. Nicholas loves his father, and will only go to sleep at night for his father. This makes it troublesome when Jon has an early game and needs to go before Nicholas goes to sleep. Eventually we will figure it out.

If you need any drawers or shelves cleaned off, let me know. Nicholas does a great job!

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