Thursday, May 8, 2014

The C+ parent that I am.......

Sometimes you read that perfect article for your day. I'm currently on my "lunch break" (the kiddos are watching TV for 30 minutes) and I get to have 30 minutes to read the news, read any articles I like, pay bills, go to the bathroom by myself, and shower. So I found this article today on Scary Mommy - it describes my philosophy these days perfectly.

All I have to manage is to keep the kids relatively happy, clean, and fed. I'll even fudge a little on the "clean" because a night time bath takes care of all ailments. And keep myself sane.

See, we are moving (in case the big piles of boxes and donations didn't give it away). It's a stressful time. The kids want their stuff out of boxes; they want their friends to come over; they want to go to their friends. They also seem to act up all the time. Their thought process is, "The house looks different, so if I act different, it should be all okay." Well, it's not okay.

What's also not okay is to comment on a family's choices during the moving process. We went to McDonald's today to get the kids lunch. It's been a hard day. We've been up since 5a, and their rooms got packed today. So I got them their "favorite" lunch (the only one they can both agree on). A lady behind me said, "Are you sure you want to feed your kids the stuff they make here?" Well yes, I'm sure I do. And you are also in line, unless my eyes are deceiving me. So let's not make any comments. If I wanted to feed my kids brownies and bananas all day long, it is none of your business to comment on it. We are moving. Exceptions to regular eating habits will be made- and must be made - to keep mommy sane.

So I've lowered my desire from being an A parent (I would never get the plus), to a C+ parent. Maybe a B- since the kids get to watch their favorite TV shows still and I still make them food - occasionally.

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