Monday, March 17, 2014

Workout update #3

It turns out I'm stronger than I thought. I was, got most of the month, dead lifting at 95#. Turns out I can do 155#. 

How did I find out? The Crossfit 14.3 workout had that in there. I even managed a few reps at 215#. So that's my amazing workout news. 

I'm feeling stronger and better. Thanks to an amazing dog who I have to walk and run with, I'm able to do more sprints in a morning walk than I could a month ago. On our two mile walk/jog I normally got 4 sets of 30 second sprints in. Now I can do 10. For someone who can't run because of structural foot problems, that's a lot of sprinting. Unfortunately for Buzz-the dog- while I'm panting he's still yawning. 

I'm down two jeans sizes since January. It feels good to use that as the easier of my success. 

So I'm well on my way to meeting my fitness goals. Maybe this summer I'll actually look nice in a tank top- some definition in my arms. 

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