Thursday, February 11, 2010

Nicholas' new haircut

So Nicholas has always had a lot of hair. Tons of it. While he was a baby, it was easy to cut - because you could hold him still. Now that he's older it is a lot harder. He wouldn't sit still to cut it all. So we would end up with various stages of cuts in his hair. It didn't look horrible, but it wasn't cute.

Jon has wanted to buzz his hair for a long time. I finally gave in at the end of January. My leg has been hurt and I couldn't get him to sit for me so I could trim it. Nicholas' hair was below his ears, in his eyes, and getting kind of long in the back. So I gave in to Jon.

We put on the Mickey Mouse clubhouse show, gave him an Oreo, put the size 8 guard on the clippers, and away went Nicholas' hair. He lots a ton of hair. But his new haircut is much easier to do - and to upkeep. The only problem is......

.....he doesn't look like my baby, or even a toddler, any more. He's a full grown boy!

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