Monday, April 13, 2009

So it has been rather nice for the last week here in Sac, except for the few days when it was raining. Nicholas really likes to be outside. In fact, he will bring his shoes to you and try and get you to put them on him when he wants to go outside. He simply pulls his shoes out of whatever pile of toys they are in, walks them to you, and then sits down, as if you are just going to put his shoes on. His other favorite trick is simply to dash out the door when you open it. If you aren't careful, he's getting out. And once he is outside, he is gone.

His favorite is to find mud. Or to pull up grass and then drop it, and watch it go with the wind. He also likes trees. And bugs. He is simply a boy, what can I say.

Anyways, here's a cute picture Jon took of Nicholas while they were outside the other day.

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