Friday, December 19, 2008

Our Day At the Nut Tree Family Park

Well, Saturday December 6th I met my mother and grandmother in Vacaville (with Nicholas) for lunch. We had a great lunch at Panera - and Nicholas got a grilled cheese kids meal. He ate half the sandwich! And then proceeded to entertain everyone with his eating of the french bread that came with the other meals. He also liked to play with the paper that decorated our plates. He was a pretty good side-show. Maybe we should charge admission :) Then we could recover some of the cost of his food.

Afterwards we went to the Nut Tree Family Park. They have free admission and unlimited rides for state workers, and half-off the free admission and unlimited rides for everyone with you. So I got in free, with unlimited rides, and for $10.48 my mom and grandma got in with unlimited rides. Nicholas was under 2, so he's naturally free (at least in admission to the park).

We rode the train, which Nicholas didn't like the first time, but liked the second. Then we rode the merry-go-round - which he loved! He sat on the horse in front of my mom. Before we started moving he was playing with his rabbit, but after we started moving he was fascinated by all the other horses moving around. We tried to go on the rescue rangers ride, but Nicholas wasn't buying it. He rode the rocking horses. But there were 5 other rides we didn't even try - that included bumper cars and a roller coaster.

Then we went to Fenton's ice cream parlor. My mom fed Nicholas chocolate ice cream. He liked it - after he got over it being cold. He liked it so much that he put his hands into the sundae with chocolate sauce and ice cream going all over - including all over him. It was a fun day.

This is me and Nicholas by the elephant on the merry-go-round. We both like elephants.

This is my mom ans Nicholas on their horse - well their rabbit. .

This was Nicholas sitting on my mom's lap on the train. He really didn't like the noise or the movement the first time, but the second time was great.

This is my mom putting Nicholas on the rocking horse. This was one day before Nicholas started his pulling up, so we were carrying him everywhere and helping him on everything (as you have to do with babies).

1 comment:

Marisa said...

Great Photos! Glad you are taking advantage of the State worker's discount and spending time with your family! Hope to see you again soon!